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Energy-Water Nexus

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Logan Dry Canyon Flash Flood Protection

Logan Dry Canyon Flash Flood Protection, Rocky Mountains, Utah

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Climate Teleconnections

Climate Teleconnections, with an application in the Everglades

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Water Budget Analysis for Chenier Plain

Water Budget Analysis for Chenier Plain, Coastal Louisiana

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Vermilion Bay Oyster Reef Restoration Project

Vermilion Bay Oyster Reef Restoration Project, Coastal Louisiana

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Pecan Island Freshwater Introduction Project: Feasibility Analysis

Pecan Island Freshwater Introduction Project: Feasibility Analysis, Coastal Louisiana

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Pecan Island Freshwater Introduction Project: Hydraulic Modeling and Design

Pecan Island Freshwater Introduction Project: Hydraulic Modeling and Design, Coastal Louisiana

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Calcasieu Ship Channel Salinity Control Project

Calcasieu Ship Channel Salinity Control Project, Coastal Louisiana

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Vegetation Analysis in Chenier Plain

Vegetation Analysis in Chenier Plain, Coastal Louisiana

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